


A financial safety net is important when you have loved ones who depend on you for financial security. The plan helps provide that safety net in the event of your death or a serious injury. Financial protection is also offered in the event your spouse or child dies.

If you were under age 65 at retirement, you had 31 days to convert all your basic and optional life and AD&D insurance to individual policies.

Life and AD&D insurance under the retiree PSGIP is only available to retirees from the Civil Service and Health PEI.

For a summary of your life and AD&D coverage, refer to the Benefits At-a-Glance section. There you will find information on benefits payable in the event of a death or serious injury.

For a list of life and AD&D exclusions, see the Exclusions section.

  Life Insurance AD&D Insurance
Retirees of Civil Service
  • Retiree life (mandatory)
  • Optional life (optional)
  • Basic AD&D (mandatory)
  • Optional AD&D (optional)
Retirees of Health PEI
  • Retiree life (mandatory)
  • Optional life (optional)
  • Optional AD&D (optional)
For your spouse
  • Basic dependent life (optional)
  • Optional life (optional)
  • Optional AD&D (optional)
For your children
  • Basic dependent life (optional)
  • Optional life (optional)
  • Optional AD&D (optional)

Life Insurance

If you retire at or after age 55 with 10 years of service and you are eligible for a pension as a Civil Service employee or retire at or after age 55 with two years of service as a Health PEI employee, you are automatically insured for $5,000 of retiree life insurance (limited to one benefit payment per individual).

The plan offers Retiree life insurance for you and basic dependent life insurance for your spouse or child. At retirement you had the option to continue your coverage for optional life for you, your spouse or child. Keep in mind that all optional coverage will terminate at age 65 (for you and your spouse).

For a summary of your life insurance coverage, refer to the Benefits At-a-Glance section.

Retiree Life and Optional Life Insurance for You

If you die while insured, this benefit provides financial assistance to your beneficiary. If your beneficiary dies before you or if there is no designated beneficiary, this benefit is payable to your estate.

Designating a beneficiary - and keeping your beneficiary designation up to date - ensures that your intended beneficiaries are well-protected. To designate or update your beneficiary, completed the Beneficiary Designation form and return it to Johnson Inc.

Basic and Optional Life Insurance for Your Dependents

If your spouse or child dies while insured, this benefit is payable to you.

AD&D Insurance

Along with Retiree life insurance and basic dependent life insurance protection, the plan automatically provides you with basic AD&D insurance - an extra measure of protection against a number of losses. At retirement you had the option to continue your coverage for optional AD&D for you and your family. Keep in mind that all optional coverage will terminate at age 65.

For a summary of your AD&D insurance coverage, refer to the Benefits At-a-Glance section.

Basic AD&D insurance is only available to Civil Service retirees who retired at or after age 55 with at least 10 years of service and are eligible for a pension.

Basic and Optional AD&D Insurance for You

In the event of a covered loss (other than loss of life), the benefit will be paid to you. In the event of your death, the benefit amount is payable to your designated beneficiary, or to your estate if your beneficiary has died before you or you haven't designated a beneficiary.

Designating a beneficiary - and keeping your beneficiary designation up to date - ensures that your intended beneficiaries are well-protected. To designate or update your beneficiary, completed the Beneficiary Designation form and return it to Johnson Inc.

Optional AD&D Insurance for Your Dependents

You, your spouse and child can only be covered once under the plan. For example, if your spouse is also covered under the PSGIP, they cannot choose family coverage if you have also chosen family coverage.

In the event of a covered loss, including loss of life, the benefit will be paid to you.

What’s Covered

If an injury results in a loss or loss of use of a limb as specified in the table below, within one year from the date of the accident, you will receive a percentage of the benefit amount you have in place for both basic and optional coverage. However, not more than one (the largest) of such benefits will be paid with respect to injuries resulting from one accident.

Covered Loss Percentage Payable
  • Life
  • Hemiplegia (paralysis of one arm and one leg on the same side of the body)
  • Paraplegia (paralysis of both lower limbs)
  • Quadriplegia (paralysis of all four limbs)
  • Use of both hands, both feet, or both arms
  • Entire sight in both eyes
  • One hand and one foot
  • One hand or foot and entire sight in one eye
  • Speech and hearing in both ears
  • Brain death
  • Use of one leg or one arm
  • Use of one hand or one foot
  • Entire sight in one eye
  • Speech or hearing in both ears
66 ⅔%
  • Hearing in one ear
  • Thumb and index finger of the same hand
  • Four fingers of the same hand
33 ⅓%
  • All toes of one foot

For benefits to be payable, the loss of use must:

  • be total and irrecoverable,
  • continue for 12 consecutive months, and
  • be determined by the insurer to be permanent.

Example: How Coverage Works

Let’s assume that you have basic AD&D coverage of $90,000 and optional AD&D coverage of $100,000. If you were to lose an arm, you would receive 75% of your coverage, as follows:

Basic coverage 75% x $90,000 = $67,500
Optional coverage 75% x $100,000 = $75,000
Total benefits = $142,500

Now let’s assume that your optional AD&D coverage of $100,000 is family level. If your spouse were to lose an arm, you would receive 75% of your optional coverage, as follows:

Had you lost your arm

75% x $100,000 = $75,000

If your spouse were to lose an arm

If you have dependent children:

50% x $75,000 = $37,500

If you do not have dependent children:

60% x $75,000 = $45,000

Additional Benefits

Basic Coverage


If injuries covered under this plan result in your death within 365 days from the date of the accident, the plan will pay the reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred by your spouse and dependent children for up to six sessions of grief counselling by a professional counsellor. The maximum reimbursement is $1,000 for all sessions combined.

Cosmetic disfigurement

This coverage does not apply to business travel policies. If you suffer a third-degree burn in a non-occupational accident, the plan will pay a percentage of your basic accidental death coverage, depending on the area of the body that was burned, as follows:

Body part


Area classification


Maximum allowable % for burned area


Maximum % of your basic accidental death coverage payable

Face, neck, head 11 9% 99%
Hand and forearm 5 4.5% 22.5%
Either upper arm 3 4.5% 13.5%
Torso (front or back) 2 18% 36%
Either thigh 1 9% 9%
Either lower leg (below knee) 3 9% 27%

The maximum benefit payable (C) is determined by multiplying the area classification (A) by the maximum allowable percentage for the burned area (B). In the event of a 50% surface burn, the maximum allowable percentage for the burned area (B) is reduced by 50%.

Note:  This table only represents the maximum percentage of your basic accidental death coverage payable for any one accident. If you suffer burns in more than one area as a result of any one accident, benefits will not exceed a maximum of $25,000.

Day care

In the event of your accidental death, the plan pays for reasonable and necessary day care expenses incurred for each dependent child under age 12 who is:

  • enrolled in a licensed day care facility at the time of your accident, or
  • enrolled in a licensed day care facility within 365 days of the date of your accident.

Benefits are payable for up to four consecutive years, to an annual maximum of 5% of your coverage or $5,000, whichever is lower.

In this case, the dependent child must:

  • be your legitimate or illegitimate child, adopted child, stepchild, or any child who is in a parent-child relationship with you,
  • be 12 years old or under, and
  • depend on you for maintenance and support.

If you do not have eligible dependent children at the time of your death, your beneficiary will receive an additional benefit of $1,500 under this benefit or the special education benefit, but not both.

The insurer will require satisfactory proof that the child is enrolled in a licensed day care facility.


If your body has not been found within one year of the disappearance, stranding, sinking or wrecking of the vehicle in which you were an occupant at the time of the accident, it will be assumed that you have died. The plan will then pay benefits.

Family transportation

If you suffer an accidental injury and are hospitalized outside Canada or at least 150 km from your principal place of residence, the plan will pay up to $15,000 for transportation costs to have a member of your immediate family visit you.

Your attending physician, however, must require your family member’s presence in writing.

Transportation must be by the most direct route by a licensed common carrier.

Home and vehicle alteration

If you receive benefits for a covered loss and must use a wheelchair, the plan will pay up to the greater of $15,000 and 10% of your basic accidental death coverage to a maximum of $50,000, for both of the following combined:

  • the one-time cost of alterations to your home so it is wheelchair accessible and habitable, and
  • the one-time cost of alterations to your vehicle so it is accessible and you can drive it.

For benefits to be paid:

  • expenses must be incurred within 365 days of the accident that resulted in the covered loss,
  • home alterations must be made by someone experienced in such matters who is recommended by a recognized organization providing support and assistance to wheelchair users, and
  • vehicle alterations must be made by someone experienced in such matters and approved by provincial licensing authorities.


If you pass away accidentally at least 150 km away from your normal place of residence and the police or a similar government requests that a member of the immediate family identify the body, the plan will reimburse the reasonable expenses actually incurred by such member for:

  • transportation by the most direct route or town where the body is located, and
  • hotel accommodation in that city or town, subject to a maximum duration of three days.

The maximum amount payable for all of these expenses combined is $15,000. Reimbursement is subject to the subsequent payment of the basic accidental death benefit following the identification of the body as the insured person.

The plan does not cover board or other ordinary living, travelling or clothing expenses. Also, transportation must occur in a vehicle or device operated under a license for the conveyance of passengers for hire.

These benefits are limited to only one policy should this benefit be contained in two or more policies issued to the policyholder by the insurer.

In-hospital confinement monthly income

If an accident leads to your hospitalization for at least seven consecutive days and you are under the care of a legally qualified and registered physician or surgeon (other than yourself), the plan will pay a monthly benefit of 1% of your coverage, up to $2,500 per month.

For hospitalization of less than one month, the plan will pay 1/30 of the monthly benefit per day.

Benefits cannot exceed 365 days for any covered accident.


If you are entitled to benefits for eligible losses, the plan will pay up to $15,000 of reasonable and necessary expenses for special training to be qualified for an occupation in which you would have not engaged in had the accident not occurred. Expenses must be incurred within two years of the accident.

No benefits are payable for ordinary living, travelling or clothing expenses.


In the event of your accidental death outside Canada or over 50 km from your principal place of residence, the plan will pay up to $15,000 for the preparation and transportation of your body to such place.

Your death must occur within 365 days of the accident.

Seat-belt benefit

If you suffer a covered loss while wearing a properly fastened seat belt in a private passenger car, station wagon, van, or jeep-type automobile at the time of the accident, the plan will pay 10% of the amount that would otherwise be payable for the covered loss.

The official accident report must certify that you or your covered dependents were wearing seat belts at the time of the accident.

Special education benefit

In the event of your accidental death, the plan will pay a benefit to any dependent child who, on the date of the accident that led to your death:

  • is enrolled full-time in any post-secondary institution beyond the 12th or 13th grade level, or
  • was at the 12th or 13th grade level and subsequently enrols as a full-time student in any post-secondary institution within 365 days of the accident that led to your death.

The benefit is equal to 5% of your coverage amount, to a maximum of $5,000 per year. This benefit is payable for a maximum of four consecutive annual payments, provided your dependent child remains full-time in a post-secondary institute.

If no dependent child qualifies at the time of the accident, the plan will pay an additional benefit of $1,500 to your designated beneficiary under this benefit or the day care benefit, but not both.

Spousal occupational training

In the event of your accidental death, the plan will pay up to $15,000 for any occupational training expenses incurred by your spouse to gain active employment in a field for which they were not previously qualified.

The expenses must be incurred within three years of the date of the accident.

Optional Coverage


If injuries covered under this plan result in your death within 365 days from the date of the accident, the plan will pay the reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred by your spouse and dependent children for up to six sessions of grief counselling by a professional counsellor. The maximum reimbursement is $1,000 for all sessions combined.

Comatose benefit

If you become comatose as a result of an accident, the plan will pay a monthly benefit equal to 1% of your optional coverage for accidental death, until the earliest of:

  • 100-month period,
  • your death, and
  • the date you are deemed to be out of the coma.

This benefit will be reduced by any optional benefit already paid by the plan for your accidental loss if you become comatose within 365 days of the accident and remain comatose for 31 consecutive days.

Common disaster

If you and your covered spouse die within one year from injuries resulting from the same accident, or separate accidents occurring within the same 24-hour period, your spouse’s coverage will be increased to equal your optional coverage, up to $200,000.

Benefits will be payable to and divided equally among your surviving dependent children.

Cosmetic disfigurement

This coverage does not apply to business travel policies. If you suffer a third-degree burn in a non-occupational accident, the plan will pay a percentage of your basic accidental death coverage, depending on the area of the body that was burned, as follows:

Body part


Area classification


Maximum allowable % for burned area


Maximum % of your basic accidental death coverage payable

Face, neck, head 11 9% 99%
Hand and forearm 5 4.5% 22.5%
Either upper arm 3 4.5% 13.5%
Torso (front or back) 2 18% 36%
Either thigh 1 9% 9%
Either lower leg (below knee) 3 9% 27%

The maximum benefit payable (C) is determined by multiplying the area classification (A) by the maximum allowable percentage for the burned area (B). In the event of a 50% surface burn, the maximum allowable percentage for the burned area (B) is reduced by 50%.

Please note that this table only represents the maximum percentage of your basic accidental death coverage payable for any one accident. If you suffer burns in more than one area as a result of any one accident, benefits will not exceed a maximum of $25,000.

Escalation benefit

After you have been covered under the plan for 12 months, your coverage is increased each year by 1% for a maximum of five years.

Extended family benefit

If your family is covered when you suffer an accidental death, coverage may continue for your spouse and dependent children for a maximum of six months, provided premiums are paid.

Special benefit for dependent children

Injury Benefit
  • Loss of two hands
  • Loss of two arms
  • Loss of two legs
  • Loss of two feet
  • Loss of one hand and one foot
  • Loss of entire sight in both eyes
  • Loss of speech and hearing
  • Quadriplegia

4 x what the plan would have paid for your child’s accidental death

  • Loss of one arm or one leg
  • Loss of speech or hearing
  • Paraplegia
  • Hemiplegia

2 x what the plan would have paid for your child’s accidental death

  • Loss of life
  • Loss of one hand or foot

1 x what the plan would have paid for your child’s accidental death

The maximum benefit payable is $100,000.

Homemaker weekly indemnity

If your spouse suffers a covered loss and becomes disabled and is prevented from performing any and all of the regular household and/or childcare duties, the plan will pay $150 per week (from the second day of the disability) for the duration of the disability, to a maximum of 26 weeks.

Your spouse must:

  • become disabled within 30 days of the accident,
  • be unemployed and not in receipt of employment insurance benefits at the time of the covered loss, and
  • be under the regular care and attendance of a physician during the disability.


If you pass away accidentally at least 150 km away from your normal place of residence and the police or a similar government requests that a member of the immediate family identify the body, the plan will reimburse the reasonable expenses actually incurred by such member for:

  • transportation by the most direct route or town where the body is located, and
  • hotel accommodation in that city or town, subject to a maximum duration of three days.

The maximum amount payable for all of these expenses combined is $15,000. Reimbursement is subject to the subsequent payment of the basic accidental death benefit following the identification of the body as the insured person.

The plan does not cover board or other ordinary living, travelling or clothing expenses. Also, transportation must occur in a vehicle or device operated under a license for the conveyance of passengers for hire.

These benefits are limited to only one policy should this benefit be contained in two or more policies issued to the policyholder by the insurer.


Optional Life Insurance

No benefit will be payable if death results, directly or indirectly, from suicide while sane or insane, for any amount of insurance that has been in effect for less than two years.

This exception applies separately to the initial amount of insurance and any subsequent increase in coverage elected for employee or spousal coverage.

Basic and Optional AD&D Insurances

This coverage does not provide benefits for losses resulting from:

  • suicide or attempted suicide,
  • self-inflicted injuries,
  • war, declared or undeclared,
  • full-time service in any military organization,
  • flying in an aircraft owned or leased by your employer, yourself or a member of your household, or aircraft being used for any test or experimental purpose, firefighting, powerline inspection, pipeline inspection, aerial photography or exploration,
  • flying as pilot or crew member in any aircraft or device for aerial navigation, or
  • full-time, active duty in the armed forces of any country or international authority.